Natural Language Understanding of Reviews

   Customer reviews provide a vast amount of information that can be leveraged to increase business profitability via customer retention. Reviews can be utilized to generate business improvements or modifications by considering the overall response in regards to tone, diction and syntax of the words contained within the reviews from all of the individuals who created a review. In addition to the text contained within the reviews, the metadata from the time when the review was created as well the location of the business can provide more comprehensive business insight. This information can be used to generate better predictive models when considering the concept that businesses might have more than one branch at more than one location.

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What Affects the Price of Used Cars?

   The price of a used car has always been an intriguing thought. Once a brand-new car leaves the dealership, the price instantly decreases way below the price an individual paid. During the 2022 car market, the price of a used vehicle increased significantly due to the shortage of semiconductors and microchips, which are needed for the manufacturing of new vehicles, and the rising rate of inflation.

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Amazon Review Recommendation System

   Recommendation systems are widely utilized in the digital age, whether it is recommending what to purchase on a website or what to watch/listen to online. They can be leveraged to increase profitability by using the information obtained from a large number of individuals to personalize the experience for an individual. They can be used to generate analytical reports containing information about products' costs and profits for the business and the projected demand so the needed supply is purchased.

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Loan Approval using Historical Data

   Banks routinely lose money based on loans that eventually default. Per the Federal Reserve, at the height of the financial crisis in 2009-2010, the amount lost approached 500 billion U.S dollars. More recently, losses each quarter tend to approach 150 billion. Delinquency rates tend to be around 1.5% most recently. Because of this, it is vitally important for banks to ensure that they keep their delinquencies as low as possible.

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